Channel: My BELOG_Mrs.Hilmy
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Zara's bday preparation


yeayy...im a happy mommy!

dah finalize date nkbuat party tuk Zara...
kirenye last bday party la ni..every year nk buat kan??hihih...

tp siyes me suke buat bday party...
but we need to spend sum money and time lah kan..
tp xdela kuar byk sgt blnje, unless u order mcm2...

ade org kata, 'tiap2 tahun kena buat'?
yes, since they're still young lah leh buat..
dhtua2 bangka xde masa nkbuat..hahaha..
pstu dhtua2 n besar nti , buat2 kenangan........

time2 kecik ni la boleh ikut theme ape yg dorang suke..

bdw dhdpt email pakej yg me menang contest tu..
super duper happy 
Tq to Jomparty sbb orgnized contest and me one of the happy winner..

, sesape nkorder pakej bday, leh pg fb Jomparty..
siyes cantik2 and they pro in personalised party ikut theme ape u all nak....

tuk zara bday ni, me pilih Sofia the 1st...
susah nkbli barang2 sofia ni kt Msia..aritu ade g Hamleys, tgk dress Sofia, almost RM200
pstu kt ballon buzz pon cm susah cri barang2 sofia ni....

since Jomparty ade buat service bli barang US, me order sofia's stuff from them...
shipment mayb smpai early Aug....

now pon me dhbli sikit2 party stuff, sume pon nkpurple kan..
yela, before ni asyik pink je........

items from US tu,
usd convert to RM and dapat murah gak...
clap clap 

Displaying Jomparty-Azatulsheeda.jpg

now tgh plan nkrent ape for extra...for the kids actually..
before2 ni rent bouncer, ice cream, etc..

now mcm nkambik clown...tgh pkir2 lagi ape nk add on..

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