alhamdulillah selesai sudah satu part
dengan jayanya mendapat conso yakni mendapat
Philips blender
Philips chopper
Barang2 simplot..
congrats tu 1st,2nd 3rd and 5 conso winner..
all of us not chef kan, tp at least siap jugak masak2 tu....
my 1st ever experience pergi cooking comp mcmni..
sangat best, dpt experience. Xpernah2 masuk contest mcmni.
bak kate emcee, top 8 bloggers from all over Malaysia..
tp top2 food blogger xjoin so adelah peluang cam sy nkjoin..hihihih...
there're 3 judges, one of them for sure, Dr.Fazley....
dhmcm Masterchef la plak...
Event kicked off at 10.30, we are given RM88 to shop at BIG (Bens Independent Grocer) within 30minutes.
For me, BIG the best supermarket yang i pernah pergi.
All imported products ie from UK ,semua ada kat situ.
All the veggies, meats semua fresh sangat2. There are knowledgable staff on hand in each section and products semua arranged in their various sections. Stock up on practical household items like washing detergents, food storage containers and toiletries too. Yesterday, during the kelam kabut time mencari barang, one helpful staff tolong me tunjuk barang tu, barang ni kat mane...hihihi..since we're given 30mins only.....then bayar kat cashier...
tp siyes ckp, BIG ni memang best, before ni i ckap Merciato Pavilion my fav spot to shop groceries (selain Tesco & Giant) yg konon2 nkbli brg2 yg imported + pelik2..,
now BIG my no.1 !
Never been to Publika before, sebab tu xthu ade BIG ni.....
ok, sambung balik pasal event tu..
after 30mins, then choose our with Falihin, compers jugak...*selamat ade org kenal...then jumpe kak lily putih jugak...adela kawan2 nkgosip2..hihihi....
lepas tu, bermula episod masak memasak. 1jam yeh...
mula mcm blur, ok, ape nkbuat ni...mcm blank..potong bawang pon mcm selambe je..sbb mcm tgh blur...after 5mins, otak dhfresh balik..hihihi...
xpndang kiri kanan langsung, buatje kite punye...
we all encourage to use the Philips Airfryer...dahtahu pasal benda ni, memang teringin nkade...sangat best Airfryer ni, klau nkgoreng chips ke kan kne gune minyak, benda ni xyah minyak setitik pon...really amazing.even fish, nuggets, hashbrowns sume masak je dlm ni...
, cake pon boleh bake dlm Airfryer ni... i found dlm FB psal group yang ada & pakai Philips Airfryer ni, memang amazing.they upload all pics they've cooked using this airfryer..memang mcm terkjut kjap, best gile!
*dhmsuk dlm wishlist ni...hihihi
dlm airfryer ni, sy masak hashbrowns tu...selalu kan nkkene gune minyak nkgoreng, ni xpyah, letak je dlm airfryer tu, then set the temp to 180 deg, for 10mins dhsiap....jgnla risau hangus ke apeke, siyes nakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk sgt Philips Airfryer ni..ada sesape nkbg free x kt sy??hihihih
ni lah rupe ape yg sy masak tu..ade fried hashbrowns, ade Egg nests, then ade sour cream for dipping...
dpt blender Philips ni, RM238 value die...sape nkbg free kan..hihihi
*bagi kt my aunty as a gift sbb ktrumah serius dahbanyak brg2 electrical ni..
blender ade 2 box xpkai lgi..semua dalam kotak..nkjual pon brpe je nkjual, so bgjela...
pstu dpt philips chopper...RM145 value
yg ni simpan, b4 ni ade menang chopper gak, tp Tefal brand, so philips brand xde, so simpan msuk koleksi..hihihi
i copy this pics from Tammy Lim fb...
menang conso mcm dlm pic kt atas ni...
cool kan..hihih